
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Making Choko Pickles With An Antique Recipe !

Since I was a wee little girl my Grandmother has been making Choko Pickles.

The recipe belonged to my Great Grandmother and is made with lovely green Choko's.
It is a family tradition of ours that if anyone spots a Choko vine, we have to pick enough for my Grandmother to make her pickles.
I have a cupboard that I am constantly collecting and storing jars for her to bottle her pickles in!

My Grandmother is the most amazing cook. She cooks the old fashioned way, everything must be done 'just so' and at the right time and a certain way.
In the past 2 weeks my Grandmother has been making batch after batch of her famous Choko Pickles.
People come from far and wide with bottles and a surplus of chokos and then live in hope that the kindness will be returned with a nice fresh bottle of yummy pickles.

Last week she decided that enough was enough and she offered me some choko's. To her delight I agreed and decided to make some pickles of my own. 2 batches later I have officially closed the kitchen and I have run out of jars.
I though I'd show you my bounty !

This isn't the actual recipe (my Grandmother would never allow me to reveal the real one!).  This recipe is one from my Great Aunty's recipe book, I think I will try this one next time.

It all begins with the humble Choko !
Generally found on a vine hanging over the most unsuspecting fence. We have found them growing on the side of roads, growing near our local sports club and in country lanes.
But try as I might I cannot for the life of me get one to grow of my own !  Go figure ! lol
I found myself some pretty labels for my jars.

and after  cooking and bottling my pickles, I popped some pretty tops and labels on.
They look sooo pretty.....but they taste even better !


  1. how fabulous is this!!!! if i were next store i would help you out with batch 3 and 4!!!! oh i feel like having one right now -- you have made me so hungry! God bless your Grandmother -- still going strong! May I ask how old is she? I bet you those that were lucky enough to get a jar were thrilled!!!! i know my mouth is watering! so so i have been missing in action -- have to catch up! sending tons of hugs to you and yours! : )

  2. This was so much fun to read and so much like my grandmother. Both my mother and I tried to follow her recipe and both of us agree we have come sooooo close - but never exactly there because - I am sure you know "a pinch of, a handful of, feel it and add more .. , if too thin ..., if too thick... as additions to the recipe - very few quantities and with metric and imperial they just don't seem to add up! Loved your jars and adornments. Wonderful job. Choko pickles are so labour intensive, but so much fun and great to eat.

  3. If you want to try growing them yourself again. Try planting 3 chokoes together.
