Friday 21 October 2011

Working Bee....This Weekend....Be There !

Working Bee....our place....this weekend !
I have an absolute tonne of things to do.  Where to start is the question ?

I have white chairs that are just a little bit too chippy and shabby, so they need to be washed and painted.
I have a pair of single beds that also need to be stripped, sanded and painted.
I'd love to move some furniture around and give our home a fresh know how you just need a change ?

I'm sure my husband will be glad to go back to work on Monday !  He kind of likes to hide from me when I get into this 'Lets have a working bee mode !'   

I have a pair of these divine iron pedestal and urns at the front door of our home. When I bought them they were white with touches of rusty. Now they are just plain old rusty !!   Time for a lick of paint.  I have heard that if you paint the iron with a special mixture and then rub yogurt all over it then the iron will turn all mossy and gorgeous looking. Can anybody send me any tips about this ?
 I saw it on a television program years ago and I'd love to try it.

Next week on French Blue and Peachy Pink
I will bring you a beautiful new home wares store full to the brim of gorgeous goodies.
I will begin a countdown to Christmas. I will dedicate one day each week to share a Christmas craft, decorations, stories, recipes and other lovely bits and bots with you all.
Can't wait to see you all then !

                       ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND

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