Thursday, 19 May 2011

So That's What Little Boys are Made of !

What are little boys made of ?
Frogs and snails and puppy-dogs' tales,
and that's what little boys are made of.....

Once upon a time a tiny little boy arrived into this big, wide world. He was impatient and unable to wait for his impending delivery date, for he had much to do and see and he was way too excited to remain in the warmth of his mother's womb.
His mother was dining out with her best friend and afterwards had decided to watch a lovely long movie at the cinema. His mother became aware of the impending birth but was determined to see the end of the movie. Little do I say but the end of the movie came and a visit to the hospital became apparent.  The best friend promised to meet the young mum at the hospital and the young dad was quickly ushered to the car. A little soul was about to arrive on the earth. A little treasure from above.

Well from the minute this little soul arrived, he brought much joy to his parents hearts. His mother was elated and very much in love with her beautiful new baby. She felt such love for him and wished him a happy life full of love and laughter. She had been blessed.

The baby boy grew into a young man who was smart and funny and very charming. He had a handsome face and always made his mother feel very special. They had a strong connection and knew each other well. There was much laughter between them but more importantly love. Love between a mother and her son.
The mother is still watching this young man grow, but she wishes him all the best that life has to offer. He will achieve many great things in his life and she would be standing there beside him, watching on  with pride 

and they are still living happily ever after.

I love this cherry red display I found at Ambleside Cottage on the weekend. Red is such a great colour for boys rooms to brighten things up. French Blue and Red is a great combination and will suit boys of all ages. Bright bunting flags hung across the room gives a fun element too. Enjoy this while it lasts though, as years of posters on the wall creep up on you before you know it and the years of teddy bears will have left you forever.

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