Tuesday, 28 June 2011

A Shabby Chic Chook named Melanie.......

Once upon a time there was a little Princess named Angelina. Angelina loved animals and begged her Mummy and Daddy to buy her a pet.  She loved to visit her friend Melanie's house and would play with her cats and listen to stories about her rabbit she used to keep.  She would sit there with her huge big brown eyes and listen with great intent. How she wished she could have her very own pet.

One fine day Angelina's Daddy decided to go and buy a pet rabbit for Angelina and her two beautiful sisters. The girls were so excited and were thrilled to bits when Daddy arrived home with two rabbits instead of one.  The three girls were happy and excited and their Mummy and Daddy looked on with love.  

The rabbits were much loved, their names changed from week to week and Angelina chased her little pets around the garden in sheer delight.

Then another fine day arrived and the family decided to add to their menagery.
A chookhouse was created and a little family of chickens moved in.
"What would you like to name your chicken Angelina ? ",asked Mummy
Thinking very carefully, Angelina's little voice piped up, "Melanie !", she said. "I would like to call mine Melanie !"

The End

So there it is !  It seems I left a great impression of love in this little ones heart and she named her prized chook after me. I had to giggle at the thought of  it but I was also very touched. This little Princess makes me smile. I don't get to give her many hugs anymore since her family moved away, but she is always in my heart and I love her so, so much.
Goodnight Princess Angelina.....I hope you liked your bedtime story 

The chookhouse pictured above belongs to a lovely lady Jenny who owns the most stunning bed and breakfast you have ever seen. Jenny turns a patch of baren land into a plot of love. Every space in her garden has been planted lovingly with something pretty.  This gorgeous chookhouse is stunningly beautiful inside and out. It comes with it's very own chandelier and if I were truly a chook then I would be more than happy to live in this beautiful abode.
Stay tuned for more stories about this wondrous little piece of heaven.....and inspiration will hit you with a mighty thump, that's a promise ! 


  1. I enjoyed todays story and pictures.. now here with a mighty thump http://dailyimprint.blogspot.com/ there is a chat session in Bondi 4th Aug. Thought it may interest you. 2 more sleeps.... It is like christmas. sx

  2. http://brownbutton.blogspot.com/ also this has a gift you post to your blog. Have a look sx
