Tuesday 10 January 2012

An Angel Is Pushing Me To New Places......

For many years now I have suspected that an angel is following me........

Many years ago I embarked on a journey of self discovery. I studied natural therapies, read many knowledgeable books on the inner self and worked in an amazing bookstore which held so much knowledge that I soaked it up like a sponge. 
One day I took a course with a woman who had worked with American Native Indians.  She spoke of their wisdom, their ways and their love of the Earth. 

A wise old Indian had shared a story with this woman and she in turn had passed the story on to many other folk.
I have mentioned this story on earlier posts but for those newcomers I shall speak of it again.  The Indian said that when feathers appear on your path, Spirit/God is sending you messages of love and letting you know that he is with you.

Since the time that this woman shared her story with me I began to see feathers. Maybe they were there all along and I didn't see them. Maybe it was a coincidence, I don't know, but from that day on when important decisions needed to be made and I wasn't sure, a feather would appear.

Many a time feathers would float ever so softly down from the sky and land at my feet. Other times I would be driving along in my car and one would land on the windscreen.  One day I was particularly upset about something that was going on in my life, I was walking out of my back door of my home to hang washing on the clothesline and a feather floated down from the sky and landed in the palm of my hand as I stood there holding the basket.
With a silent thank you and a single tear I just knew that I wasn't alone.

This feeling of an angel being close has been with me for so long now that I almost take these feathers for granted.  I know I shouldn't, but I guess that the comfort is there within my heart and I have absorbed the feeling of warmth.
It's on dark days.........those rotten days that creep up on the best of us,  that those soft feathers often appear.

So it came as no surprise when recently I decided to challenge myself and take upon a new course of learning.

and a pure white feather appeared on my path........

 It is a course that I have wanted to take forever but as any mother in the world often does, we put ourselves last on the list and put off doing the things in life that we would just love to do.

After weeks of soul searching wondering how the hours of the course would affect my family I had almost decided that it would all be too hard and that maybe a few more years down the track, timing would be much better.  So many 'What ifs and 'How on earths' crossed my mind.  
If I must be honest then I will tell you all that I am still undecided about it all, but my angel certainly seems to be doing her best to push me into the direction of this wonderful course.

A recent walk down the beach with myself, found me looking down at the incoming wave at my feet and what should I see.......

In walks my angel once again.......

For she has been listening to the plight that is happening inside of my head.


This morning I made myself a cup of tea, sat down at my computer and began to read some of the beautiful blogs that I follow.
Thistlewood Farm and A Cottage Market were offering a challenge to their readers.  They were challenging us all to 'IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES' and tackle your most daunting projects.

MY HEART DID A LITTLE PITTER PAT !..........could it be that sweet angel of mine again ?  My contemplating for weeks on end shifted slightly. 

At first I thought of my garage. I thought I could choose one of the many pieces of stored furniture that I am 'going to one day restore' to be this Project that they spoke of.  I thought about which piece of furniture I would choose and even wondered about going out straight away to buy a can of pretty pink paint.

I wanted to write on my friends pages what my decision would be but continued to ponder for most of today. WHAT WOULD I DECIDE ?

After much deliberation I realised that the biggest challenge that I truly longed for was what my heart was desiring. My sweet angel had woven a white feathery chain of love around my heart strings and was ever so gently encouraging me to follow her lead.

I realised that just somehow things would work out and it would be possible to pursuit my dream.  The dream that I had held within my heart for as long as I could ever remember. It was my dream that was so close now that I could almost hold it in the palm of my hand.

SO without further hesitation I will be enrolling in this wonderful course that will open many fragrant doors for me. It will allow me to create without hesitation. It will make my heart happy, it will challenge my mind.  I am simply bursting to begin the learning and have so many ideas brimming inside of my head.

It is a very desirable course so I will be competing with many others to get in. I have my fingers, toes and eyes crossed (lol) that I will get in.

But in the back of my mind I know that there is a silent friend who walks beside me every single day of my life who will be silently making things happen so that my dream may come true.......

Thank you my angel

I will be sure to let you know if I was successful in my application.
Cross your fingers for me dear friends.
A very BIG thank you to my lovely friends mentioned below for that last bit of a push that I needed.

Andrea from A Cottage Market
Karianne from Thistlewood Farm    http://thistlewoodfarm.wordpress.com/about/

Take a look at these lovely ladies blogs to see their beautiful homes and creative spirit and maybe you may want to join in on their challenge as well.


  1. Melanie,
    WOW! That post brought me to tears. You have inspired me, my friend. There are dreams within all of us that we never chosen to create. You have chosen the right path. I cannot wait to see where this path takes you.
    Thank you for making my day a little brighter.

  2. Karianne everything happens for a reason. You and I have crossed paths and even from a distance dreams can come true. You never know....that bread of yours may come out of the oven with a nice white feather poking out of the top of it....lol

    Can't wait to see what you can do. If all else fails there is always the bakery :-)
