It's never a good idea when I buy a can of paint !
To be honest I have to be in just the right mood to paint but once I get started there is no stopping me. If it's not tied down then I paint it !
My latest painting bonanza happened over the Easter long weekend.We had a big weekend of entertaining to do and I had been wanting to spruce up some of the chairs that I had sanded back but had never painted.
IT WAS ALL THE FAULT OF THE SWEET LITTLE CHAIR THAT I PICKED UP AT THE FLEA MARKET LAST WEEKEND ! If that chair hadn't caught my eye then I am sure that the can of pink paint would still be sitting on my shelf unopened and my Grandfather's chair would still be untouched. It would be still hanging on a hook on the garage wall.
BUT Once that can of paint was prised open and stirred, my hand just wanted to keep on going. My son wanted to help, so he picked up a brush and joined in too. Quickly we undercoated our first chair (the flea market chair being the first victim of the day).
As I slapped big dollops of pale pink paint on the spindles of the chair, a wicked thought came into my mind.
To cut a long story short, I was given my Grandfather's chair many years ago. There were only 2 of his dining chairs left. One I sanded back and restored for my Dad and the other I kept for myself. It is the only reminder that I have of my Grandfather. I was 7 years old when he left us to go to the pearly gates in the sky, so my memories of him are childlike memories.
The thing that I most remember about my Grandfather was him sitting at the dining room table eating meals prepared by my Grandmother. He was particular about where he sat at the table, he didn't like anybody to take his spot. I also remember that he absolutely loved his dining room table and chairs, they were almost sacred to him.
I remember on a few occasions one of us kids sitting on the table with our legs dangling over the edge watching our Grandmother baking. She would let us sit on the table so that we could see what she was doing, but if Grandfather was home then it was an unspoken rule that NOBODY sat on the table !
When my Grandfather was unhappy, you certainly knew about it ! lol
I remember sitting next to him up at that table on one of his big chairs and watching him tucking into pies that Grandma had made. He would scowl at me but eventually get me a small plate and share some of his pie with me. Memories of Grandfather for me are generally at this table.
FORGIVE ME GRANDFATHER FOR I HAVE SINNED.......I have painted your beloved chair pink !
(I think I just heard him turn in his grave !)
BUT your chair looks so pretty now ! The dark stained timber is now a forgotten memory and it really makes me feel happy !
The funny part of this story is when I uploaded the photo's onto my computer I did a double take at one of the pics.
Can you see the ray of light shining down on the chairs ! lol
I'm wondering if it was my Grandfathers spirit standing in front of me and the can of paint !
Oh if he were hear today he would be screaming like a Banshee. He would be in a terrible mood and he would have to go outside to walk his mood off !
I'm sure that in his whole life he never would have thought that his beloved chair would have ever been painted PINK.
I guess that's one little surprise that he saw as he watched down from the heavens at me. I have to admit I did cringe a little when I splashed the first brush of paint on to it.
I now need to have the seat replaced and covered and I'm thinking of a pretty blue or pink antique bark cloth fabric.
It will look as pretty as a picture when it is all finished !
and after a few hours hard at work, my painted victims grew and grew ..........and grew !
4 chairs, an old medicine cabinet, birdhouse, watering can, etc etc etc
Do you think my Grandfather will approve of his chair ?(below)
and my $10 flea market chair looks pretty too !
and soon enough my can of paint was empty.
I scraped the bottom of the can so that not one precious drop was wasted.
and when my husband came out into the garden to see my hard work, I watch him do a double take.....
Yes I had EVEN painted his sprinkler !
(I told you that I was a little obsessed !)

Wow! You chose such a lovely shade of pink, too!
ReplyDeleteWell done!
You know I am such a fan of pink anyway, and it's very subtle, I don't think he would mind! As a collection they look brilliant! Good job!
ReplyDeleteI noticed the sprinkler and thought it was so cute in pink!
ReplyDeleteToday I considered starting a paint project...that would have turned int o three, aI am sure. so I didn't start. Well,
I had my daughter vacuum it off and the drawers out, and wash off the exterior of the chest that will become my hubby's nightstand....then I will paint the armoire, and then the vintage record player, and the nightstand for my side of the bed, and ....I see what will hapen to me too...
So, It is a good thing we got the plnats and the shrubs planted that needed to be! Burned the weeds off the hill, and tomorrow I hpe to transplant another shrub....THEN I will get tot he pain...I hope to have that done before planting any other plants outside!
Beautiful work Melanie! Love your pink heart!